Financial audit

Many years of experience have taught us that a company's financial audit is not just a statutory obligation to be met. It is the results of audit services that provide business owners and managers with information on the real condition of the company. Without regular control in this area, the growth of a company can be seriously hampered.

Contact us

Łukasz Zarzycki

Managing Partner (Audit), Statutory Auditor Tax Advisor, Restructuring Advisor, Executive MBA

Comprehensive audit services

It is important to remember that a company is judged on its performance. It is the financial statements that are the main information for the business environment as to what condition the company is in. A reliably conducted financial audit of a company is a reliable source of information, not only for others, but above all for the entrepreneur. It makes it possible to assess the condition of the company and to draw up further plans for the development of the company or the introduction of changes which will improve its situation on the market.

The financial audit performed by the auditors from GLC is a comprehensive analysis presented to the client in a transparent manner. We place great emphasis not only on the correctness of calculations and analyses, but also on clear, specific reporting. We have been involved in financial auditing for years, which has allowed us to get to know our clients’ greatest needs and to develop measures that are able to meet them. With us, you get a complete summary of your finances, which you can use in many ways. The financial audit of a company is carried out by qualified and experienced professionals using new technologies in the form of financial and analytical software. The consequence of this is a guarantee that any process of auditing the financial statements (i.e. auditing the financial statements) and other financial issues in the company will be carried out in an optimal manner.

We have 25 years of experience

Over the years of operation, we have gained extensive knowledge and the trust of our clients. We effectively adapt to changing business conditions.

We serve clients from multiple industries

Our audit team possesses broad knowledge and experience across various sectors, allowing us to offer a personalized approach to each client.

We know the regulations

We closely monitor the dynamically changing tax and accounting regulations to ensure full compliance with current standards for our clients.

We ustilize modern tools

We employ the latest audit technologies, enabling us to efficiently review and analyse data, ensuring the highest quality of service for our clients.

Do you have questions?

Łukasz Zarzycki, GLC expert is at your disposal.

Our services include:

  • General accounting – a comprehensive accounting service, including the recording of financial transactions, preparation of financial statements, balance sheets and profit and loss accounts. This will ensure that you are always in full control of your company’s finances.
  • Taxes – our experienced accountants scrupulously follow changing tax regulations so that you always benefit from optimal tax solutions. We ensure that tax returns are submitted on time and that the tax burden is minimised.
  • Financial reports – we prepare clear and reliable financial reports to help you make strategic business decisions. Our reports comply with current standards and are tailored to meet individual client needs.
  • Accounting audit – we offer auditing services to help you verify the accuracy of your accounts. This ensures that your finances are fully compliant with current legislation.
  • Legal advice – our expert team provides professional legal advice to assist you in the contracting process.

When you run a company, you are well aware that the management is responsible for any inaccuracies in the accounts. That is why you should decide to outsource your bookkeeping and start working with a company that has the right knowledge and experience in bookkeeping.

Zakres usług

Due Diligence

Badanie sprawozdania finansowego

Usługi poświadczające i pozostałe usługi biegłego rewidenta

Audyt podatkowy

Audyty śledcze

Wycena przedsiębiorstw oraz aktywów

Audyt prawny (Legal due diligence)

Inquire about our services

A member of our team will contact you!

    Due Diligence

    As part of our due diligence support, GLC specialists conduct a detailed and multi-faceted assessment of a company's situation. The experience of our specialists ensures the highest quality of the services provided in the field of due diligence in Poland.

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    Audit of financial statements

    Our specialists have the appropriate competencies to assess audits and financial statements for compliance with current standards. Extensive knowledge, significant experience, and meticulousness guarantee satisfactory audit results.

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    Audit services and other services of a certified auditor

    Clients typically seek the support of a certified auditor in this area when they require objective and fully independent attestation of the credibility of information about specific actions, products, or services.

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    Tax audit

    Supervision of the correct tax payments is extremely important. It allows you to avoid unpleasant consequences that may result from any irregularities during official verification by the National Tax Administration. Therefore, it is worth seeking help from specialists to maintain full control over your finances.

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    Forensic and investigative auditing

    Conducting an investigative audit serves to eliminate illegal practices that may take place in an organization. It helps detect tax fraud, money laundering and various other irregularities that can disrupt the functioning of a company and negatively affect its reputation. In case of any suspected irregularities, appropriate actions must be taken immediately.

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    Business and asset valuation

    GLC specialists carry out business and asset valuations to the highest standards of conduct - objectively, impartially and confidentially. By proceeding in accordance with the requirements of experts from around the world, valuations are carried out in a professional, regulated manner and in compliance with the industry's established standards of conduct in this area.

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    Legal due diligence

    At GLC Law Firm, as part of the legal due diligence service, we provide support from experienced experts, analysts, auditors, experts, lawyers, and tax advisors. The experience of our specialists ensures that the quality of services provided in the area of legal due diligence is at the highest level.

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    Other services

    The expertise of GLC professionals is distinguished by the ability to connect facts and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

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