Taxes for business

Navigating the complex world of tax regulations requires not only precision but also a deep understanding of how each detail affects the level of tax burdens. GLC offers tax services that transform complexity into clarity, allowing your business to focus on growth.

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PhD Bartosz Kubista

Managing Partner (Tax), Attorney-at-law | Tax advisor

Tax management is an integral part of running a business, directly impacting financial efficiency and strategic development opportunities. In response to the complexity of tax systems and their impact on business operations internationally, GLC offers comprehensive tax support aimed not only at ensuring compliance with applicable regulations but also maximizing financial benefits. We understand that effective tax management requires not only in-depth legal knowledge but also a strategic approach that allows leveraging tax regulations to the company’s advantage. Therefore, our services are designed to not only provide clients with peace of mind resulting from the certainty that their tax affairs are properly handled but also concrete added value, translating into better financial results.

At GLC, we combine specialist knowledge with innovative solutions, delivering comprehensive tax services that cover both daily duties and strategic tax planning. Our team of tax experts works to understand the unique challenges and goals of each client, offering personalized advice and practical solutions. From optimizing tax structures to risk management and succession planning, our services aim to increase tax efficiency while minimizing potential risks. With GLC, businesses can count on a partnership that not only protects them from adverse tax consequences but also helps seize every opportunity for optimization and growth.

Individual approach

We understand that each tax situation is unique, which is why our tax advisory is based on a personalized approach to the client. Our team precisely analyses the needs and goals of the client to provide the best tax solutions tailored to their situation.

Our team consists of 160 experts

GLC Advisory team consists of lawyers, legal advisors, and tax advisors. Some of them have dual qualifications, allowing them to provide comprehensive client service.

We provide services for clients from various industries

We have handled many cases from different sectors for clients from various industries. We know that legal and tax challenges in each industry are different, which is why we approach each case individually.

25 years of experience

Over the years, we have gained immense knowledge and the trust of our clients. For years, we have effectively adapted to changing business conditions.

Do you have any questions?

dr Bartosz Kubista, GLC expert, is at your disposal.

Ongoing tax advisory

Understanding current tax obligations and utilizing available tax reliefs and preferences is crucial for the effective operation of any taxpayer. At GLC, we offer ongoing tax advisory that not only ensures compliance with regulations but also optimizes tax burdens. Our services allow businesses to focus on business development while minimizing tax risks.

Our services:

  • Comprehensive analysis of the current tax situation of the company or capital group;
  • Identification of opportunities to increase the tax efficiency of the business;
  • Support in adapting to current changes in tax regulations;
  • Advisory on choosing optimal forms of taxation for new investments and projects;
  • Analysis of opportunities to use tax reliefs and preferences.
  • Tax advisory on international transactions and their tax implications;
  • Tax advisory in the field of VAT, CIT, PIT, Excise tax, and local taxes;
  • Development and implementation of a tax strategy tailored to the organization’s individual needs.

Tax risk management

Tax risk management is a key aspect of any company’s financial strategy, requiring precision and deep analysis. At GLC, our goal is not only to protect companies from potential tax consequences but also to ensure that every business decision is made with full awareness of its tax implications. By collaborating with us, you gain access to specialized support in identifying, assessing, and managing tax risks, enabling you to maximize your company’s financial security.

Our services:

  • Tax audits aimed at identifying potential tax risks.
  • Development of tax risk minimization strategies;
  • Advisory in tax disputes and representation before tax authorities;
  • Support in the internal review of tax procedures;
  • Advisory on international transactions and transfer pricing;
  • Analysis of contracts and transactions for potential tax risks;
  • Support in tax documentation and reporting;
  • Training for staff in tax risk management;
  • Preparation of internal procedures for tax risk management;
  • Preparation of contingency plans for tax crisis situations.

Tax scheme reporting (MDR)

The introduction of regulations regarding the reporting of tax schemes (MDR) has significantly changed the landscape of tax obligations, requiring companies to report implemented or planned arrangements. At GLC, we offer comprehensive advisory services on MDR, helping entrepreneurs understand and meet the new requirements.

Our services:

  • Initial consultations regarding obligations arising from MDR;
  • Identification and analysis of tax schemes subject to reporting;
  • Assistance in preparing notifications and reporting tax schemes;
  • Review and analysis of planned transactions in terms of MDR requirements;
  • Advisory on documentation and compliance with tax scheme regulations;
  • Training for staff on MDR requirements and their impact on organizational activities;
  • Preparation of internal procedures for reporting tax schemes;
  • Support in managing risks associated with tax schemes;
  • Representation of the company in disputes related to MDR obligations;
  • Support in tax audits focused on MDR.

Withholding tax (WHT) and international taxes

Understanding the intricacies of withholding tax (WHT) and international tax principles is essential for multinational companies and international capital groups to reduce tax risk and increase tax efficiency. At GLC, we provide advanced tax solutions tailored to meet the challenges and opportunities in the international tax landscape.

Our services:

  • Analysis of tax obligations arising from withholding tax for international transactions;
  • Advisory on the taxation of cross-border transactions;
  • Support in obtaining exemptions or preferences in withholding tax;
  • Preparation and filing of documents for obtaining refunds of overpaid withholding tax;
  • Handling WHT pay-and-refund proceedings;
  • Advisory on double taxation avoidance agreements and their application;
  • Representation of taxpayers in withholding tax disputes;
  • Assistance in withholding tax reporting;
  • Development of internal procedures for verifying counterparties and exercising due diligence in the control of foreign counterparts;
  • Risk analysis for international transactions;
  • Application for opinions on the application of preferences;
  • Advisory on international taxes and capital structure planning;
  • Support in negotiations with tax authorities regarding withholding tax;
  • Development of risk management strategies related to withholding tax.

Individual interpretations, binding rate information (WIS), safeguard opinions, and preference application opinions

Given the increasing complexity of tax regulations, individual interpretations, safeguard opinions, and binding rate information play a key role in tax risk management. These instruments allow for precise determination of the tax implications of actions taken, ensuring companies’ safety and financial stability. At GLC, we offer access to specialized knowledge and experience that help our clients navigate these challenges effectively. We prioritize transparency and certainty regarding tax obligations, enabling optimal utilization of available solutions.

Our services:

  • Preparation of applications for individual interpretations;
  • Representation of taxpayers in proceedings for individual interpretations;
  • Preparation of applications for safeguard opinions and representation of entrepreneurs in proceedings for their issuance;
  • Assistance in obtaining binding rate information (WIS) regarding goods and services tax;
  • Analysis of planned transactions for the possibility of obtaining safeguard opinions;
  • Detailed legal and tax analysis for WIS purposes;
  • Advisory on appeals against tax authority decisions regarding interpretations and safeguard opinions;
  • Conducting judicial-administrative proceedings with complaints about individual interpretations;
  • Tax risk analysis related to planned actions and transactions;
  • Support in the verification and updating of company tax procedures in light of obtained interpretations and opinions.

Support in tax avoidance processes (GAAR and SAAR)

The risk of tax authorities challenging the tax consequences of transactions and deeming them to be aimed at tax avoidance requires entities to focus particularly on the analysis, design, and documentation of their actions. At GLC, we offer breakthrough solutions and advisory services in the field of GAAR and SAAR, enabling companies to conduct operations safely while minimizing tax risk. Our team of experts provides support at every stage of the process, from transaction analysis to representation in anti-tax avoidance proceedings, allowing businesses to make decisions with confidence.

Our services:

  • Analysis of transactions or projects in the context of tax avoidance or artificial transactions;
  • Client representation in anti-tax avoidance proceedings and other proceedings related to preventing tax avoidance;
  • Support in cases concerning violations of law in value-added tax (VAT);
  • Preparation of defence in anti-tax avoidance proceedings;
  • Assessment of tax risk related to GAAR and SAAR for new and existing structures;
  • Support in designing and implementing business structures minimizing GAAR and SAAR-related risks;
  • Review and optimization of existing business operations for compliance with GAAR and SAAR;
  • Assistance in obtaining safeguard opinions;
  • Analysis of documentation and contracts for potential tax avoidance risks;
  • Support in communication with tax authorities on GAAR and SAAR matters;
  • Development of procedures and risk management strategies related to GAAR and SAAR.

Scope of services

Taxes for business

Transfer pricing

IP BOX and R&D relief

Tax disputes

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