A Guide to Applying for Business Permits and Licenses in Poland

How to start a legal business in Poland?

Starting your own business in Poland has great potential, but, as with any venture, the process of obtaining permits and licenses can be complex and full of difficulties. This requires special attention, a thorough understanding of the regulations and strict compliance with local regulations. Regardless of whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or just starting a business, understanding the process of applying for permits and licenses in Poland is extremely important. From properly obtaining permits to ensuring full compliance with applicable law, our guide aims to help you untangle the complexities of the process.

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Regulation of business activity is a limitation of entrepreneurial freedom in establishing and running specific types of business. The main reason for such restrictions are issues important for the functioning of the state, especially those related to security and public interest. This is intended, among others, to: protecting the country’s natural resources, ensuring the protection of consumer interests and preventing monopolistic practices.

A person planning to conduct regulated activities must obtain an appropriate permit or license and meet strictly defined conditions provided for in the law. The assessment of whether the entrepreneur meets these conditions is carried out by the competent authority. It also monitors whether the company operates in accordance with statutory requirements and with the content of the issued decision and the conditions contained in the license or permit.

In Poland, rationing may take the form of, among others: license, permit or entry in the register of regulated activities.


The license constitutes consent to conduct business activities subject to the highest regulatory standards. An entrepreneur, regardless of whether he already runs a business or already has a license for another sphere of activity, may apply for a license. To obtain a license, an entrepreneur must submit an application to the licensing authority. It is generally granted for an indefinite period, unless separate provisions provide otherwise,


The requirement to obtain a permit for a specific activity only applies if it is directly provided for by law. The permit granting process includes a thorough assessment of the entrepreneur’s technical or organizational capabilities and capabilities to conduct a given business activity. The entrepreneur must also, in accordance with the regulations, meet certain conditions regarding the performance of this specific activity.

The permit takes the form of an administrative decision and is issued as part of the administrative procedure.


Due to their specificity, certain types of business activities must be registered in the register of regulated activities. The entrepreneur is authorized to conduct such activity provided that he or she meets the requirements specified in legal regulations and is registered in the register of activities regulated in accordance with the Entrepreneurs’ Law.

The registration procedure is carried out at the request of the entrepreneur by the authority responsible for maintaining this register.

Our law firm is ready to help entrepreneurs at every stage of their business journey. We offer comprehensive assistance in obtaining permits or licenses and entries in appropriate registers, ensuring full understanding of the process and compliance with legal requirements.

Please contact us: https://glc.pl/kontakt/

Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

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