Company registration in Poland. What you need to know when registering your company?

How to register a company in Poland?

In order to establish a company in Poland, it is necessary not only to sign articles of association and additional documents, but most importantly to register the company in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the commercial divisions of the district courts.

Applications to the National Court Register as of July 1, 2021 are submitted exclusively online via the Court Register Portal (PRS).

Submission of an application by the PRS is combined with the need for a qualified electronic signature or an EPUAP trusted profile.

In the absence of a signature of the persons representing the company, the application may also be submitted by a legal representative – in this case, a power of attorney must be attached to the application, along with proof of payment of stamp duty.

The competent court for registration matters is the district court (commercial court) with jurisdiction over the seat of the subject (registration court).

How much does it cost to register a company?

Along with the application for entry of the company, a court fee (PLN 600) and a fee for publication in the Court and Commercial Gazette (Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy) must be paid (PLN 100). The application can be paid by traditional transfer or by payment card.

What documents are needed to register a company with the National Court Register?

In addition to the Articles of Association, the application should be accompanied by additional documents such as:

  1. a statement of the board of directors on contributions to the capital,
  2. the list of shareholders,
  3. consents of members of the company’s bodies to the appointment,
  4. lists of addresses of members of the bodies and shareholders,
  5. a statement whether the company is a foreigner under the provisions of the Law on Acquisition of Real Estate by Foreigners (Ustawa o nabywaniu nieruchomości przez cudzoziemców),
  6. a statement whether the company owns real estate.

How long does it take to register a company with the National Court Register?

According to the regulations, the registry court should register the company within 7 days of the receipt of applications. However, this is an instructional deadline, which means that the court does not bear any consequences for failing to meet the deadline.

In practice, you have to wait about a month to register a company with the National Court Register, and even a couple of weeks longer during vacation months.

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